Registering as an entrepreneur in a bidX group

By following the steps below, you can register as entrepreneur in no time at all. Putting your entrepreneur profile and business data online will increase your chances of being financed, finding other interesting businesses or getting advice from experts in your business field. To complete your entrepreneur registration:

Start with a few initial details
Complete the form you can see on the right of this screen. Give your first and last name, your email address (you will use this later to log in), and tell us in which country you are located. Don’t forget to accept the terms and conditions, and the privacy policy.

Your username and password
Once you have completed the first step, you will receive an email with an activation link. Click on that link to confirm your registration and set your password.

Finalize registration
You are now ready to fill in your entrepreneur profile and make yourself visible on the bidx group!

Register as a member

Terms of Service

Registration complete

The registration is complete. An email has been sent to your email address with follow-up instructions

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