Your bidx completion score has changed, and here is why
After creating your business proposal on one of our portals, you probably noticed that we calculate the completeness score of your plan. This is one measure to help investors evaluate plans in a single glance before they actually go and read the plan. Mentors also use this score to quickly see the progress of the plans they mentor.
Recently, we used feedback from different mentors and investors to decide what fields are important to them, and updated our completeness score calculations accordingly.
Your score went up?
Congratulations, this means that most likely you already have a good business plan. We only have to tell you that some fields, such as financial details for the past, current and future years have their weights vary, based on time. Making sure your numbers are up-to-date will thus help you maintain a good score.
Your score went down?
Well, you are not alone, some of the completion scores of existing proposals on or portals went down. But you should not be worried, though we encourage you to update your business plan so we can hopefully match you soon with the investors on our portals.
Finally, please make sure all the relevant fields are populated. We also have basic measures for the quality of the data in some fields. Therefore, spending some time in making your business clear with correct and detailed data will help you achieve better scores. Also notice that our new scoring system takes your member profile into its consideration.